Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My trip to Finland wasn't all about hats and parties, like the previous post. We also went out into the snow, frolicking like little animals. This winter has been white and beautiful, like in my childhood, when no-one had heard of global warming and you could litter how ever the hell you wanted. It was cold and really snowy. :) Loved it!

We went ice skating in Jääpuisto, the ice park next to the railway station.
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Hot chocolate with mint, the essential companion to every winter fun.
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Outi was serving everyone:
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On Sunday we made a trip to Messilä, a ski resort close to Lahti.
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Breaktime vol. 1:
"Minttu - an ice hot adventure". I had another mintchocolate and a Shrove bun. That's a bun we tend to eat on Shrove Tuesday, when everyone goes downhill with a sleigh. It's a bun filled with cream and jam or marsipan, and it's supposed to be the last thing you eat before fasting starts.
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Mini-me snowboarding:
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It was pure beauty! I hadn't been on my board in 2 years, because last winter we spent in Mexico. I'd missed it so bad...
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Breaktime vol. 2: Tiiuli and Tuomuli came to visit us!! And my cam was slightly foggy!
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When we left it was purple outside:
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Piritta said...

Ihana viikonloppu <3 Ens talvena uudestaan!

Meri said...

Just yritin selittää Leenalle, että maisema Messilän rinteiltä Vesijärvelle on talvisin ihan ku mustavalkoinen valokuva. Just tällasena muistan noi maisemat ja siitä on... ööö... 18 vuotta kun viimeksi oon ollu siellä laskettelemassa. Upeita kuvia!

avara maiju said...

Piritta: voi kun pääsis jo tänä talvena uudestaan... oli niin siistii! mahtavaa että lopulta sain sut rienattuu mukaan :) muuten ois saattanu järki lähtee.

Meri: voi kiitos :) joo siis vaikkei lappiin päästykään, oli maisemat ihan mahtavat. voi näyttää nää nyt Leenalle :)