Living togetherAbout a year ago me, Rene and Sam started talking about moving in together in Berlin, where we had originally met. This spring it finally came through, when, after a massive 3 month online-search and facebook-discussion from France through to Mexico, we found a home. Now we're two couples and a kitten living in a big 3-room apartment and sharing the living room, kitchen and bathroom. And we're Finnish, French and Mexican, all trying to learn German and accommodate our habits under one roof.
Sam 'n Jeoffrey being themselves. Our arrangement has mostly been awesome. It's practical: We can lend each other potatoes, share the T.P., have someone else do the vacuum cleaning for 3 weeks in a row... Also it's fun: Sam makes us really great cookies and lets me scrape the pot, sometimes we have dinner together, and what's best: we have friends over all the time for a cosy cup of tea and a game of Yahtzee or alternatively to walk back home with from a weird night at the Kit Kat Club to hear Sabrina's
Boys, Boys, Boys...
There's always company for getting ready for a night out...
...and there's always wine for an after-party.
Rene wearing Sam's grandma's robe, and fighting the demon cat. Sure there are some bad sides too... I know you sneaky people wanna hear that. Just imagine wanting to do your make up in the bathroom, where 2 people have just taken a hot shower, the washing machine is on spin-drier and someone has just taken a dump. It's like the Berlin in a nutshell: a Turkish sauna that smells like the sewage on the streets and sounds like a weird trance-club. By the time you're done with the make up, it's running down your face. But life is what you make of it, guys!
Nevertheless, I wouldn't trade this to anything. As long as you love a little fuss and mess, and live with good friends who you can be totally open to, it's all good. Why I'm writing this now, is that I'm alone in the house for the 1st time in a long time. We had non-stop guests for over 2 weeks, and now everyone's gone. Even Sam and Jeoffrey left to France. I miss those restless evenings coming back from work watching
Chucky 2 in German with the guys! I'm all alone with a craving for beer and someone to share it with...
Spinning the virtual hula-hoop is a benefit we totally got from our Nintendo Wii-owning roommates. Maybe I'll do it alone now.