Sunday, March 28, 2010

The perfect place for horror stories, Part 2

In my previous post I told you about the spooky carnival we only got to see from the outside. We thought we'd seen pretty much at the first 2 times, but we were quite wrong, fellas... Here's what happened when we got in.

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Seems like the park really did close quite suddenly at its time, since someone even left their tea cup and a piece of cheese lying around.

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Dinos chilling by the water.

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Candy shop.

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It was a bit windy and rainy.

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There was a cute little island just outside the park too:

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Yellow raincloak - Spreepark
beanie - H&M men's

scarf - vintage (from Colours in Kreuzberg)

jeans - H&M

boots - Motivi

In the end we were lucky enough to get a ride on the loudly rattling rusty rail! No seatbelts or sfety measures of any kind! Awesome!!! The clip is over 3 minutes long, but hang in there, if you wanna get the tour from the spooky water slide through the dinosaur land and even further. In the first car is the old fella that we wanna think is the owner, who maybe even still runs his shady businesses in the old buildings of the park... we like to think the worst of everyone. Enjoy!


Jenna said...

Mulle tuli ihan paha mieli. Kauhean surullista. :( Pelastakaa ne dinot sieltä vilustumasta! Jos muutan Berliiniin niin voidaanko ehostaa toi huvipuisto ja elää koko loppu elämämme kuten Michael Jackson? Voidaanko, pliis???

avara maiju said...

Voi Jensua! :( Dinot ei pysty elämään ihmisolosuhteissa, niitä ei voi ottaa kotieläimiksi. Itseasiassa ne on sukupuuttoon kuolleita. Itseasiassa noi oli leludinoja, Jenna. Mutta jos sä muutat Berliiniin, ni saat kyllä ihan mitä vaan!!! :D Ja Michael Jacksoninahan mä oon pyrkiny elämään jo ennenkin, oli se sen verran ihanteellinen kaveri.

Meri said...

miten mä oon voinu elää täällä yli 15 vuotta tietämättä tän mestan olemassa olosta!

Anna said...

Olen niin samoilla linjoilla Jennan kanssa. Tippa linssissä katselin noita kuvia. Noh, toi viimeinen ei varmaan yllätä enää viime tapaamiskertojemme jälkeen ketään...